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Урок английского языка на тему Canada. 5-й класс

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 282

Пенькова Надежда Викторовна, учитель английского языка

Цели урока:

Задачи урока:

Развитие общеучебных навыков:

Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

Совершенствование навыков монологической устной речи.

Форма работы: групповая.

Оборудование урока: мультимедийная установка, MimioStudio приставка, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

Этап урока Речь учителя Речь учащихся Форма проведения Наглядность
1. Приветствие Good afternoon dear children. I'm glad to see you.

Thank you very much.

Now I want you to look at the map. Today we're going to visit one of the biggest countries in the world. Its flag has two colours - red and white - and it has got a nice leaf. What country is it? Will you guess?

Good afternoon dear teacher. We're glad to see you too.


Teacher - Whole class Слайд 1
2. Совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения You are right. Now listen and read the text carefully, please. Then tick the topics from the text. So, what are the topics?


Pupils' answers. Teacher - Whole class Слайд 1

(Приложение 1)


3. Развитие общеучебных навыков. Now match these facts, please. Work in groups of four.

Let us compare the results.

Thank you.

Pupils work in groups. One pupil works at the blackboard.

Pupils' answers.

P1, P2,....

P3, P4.....

P5, P6......

Слайд 2

Приложение № 2

4. Совершенствование навыков чтения, устной речи. OK, look here.

Here you see some more information about Canada.

Nastya, read the 1st statement. Boys and girls, will you repeat after me...Canada.

(The) Official name is Canada. Teacher - P1, P2, P3, P4. Слайд 3
Roma, read the 2nd statement, please.

Stepan, read the 3rd statement, please.

By the way, why do people in Canada speak two languages?


(The) Total area is 9,985,000 sq km.

Official languages are English and French.

First immigrants were from England and France.


Teacher - Whole class Ссылка на слайд 9.
Let`s go on. Vova, read the next statement, please.

Kostya, read the next statement, will you.

Nationalities are a Canadian, Canadians.

The capital is Ottawa.

Boys and girls, will you repeat after me...Ottawa. As you can see, the capital stands on the river Ottawa. Teacher - Whole class Ссылка на слайд 10.
Yulia, continue reading, please.

Boys and girls, will you repeat after me...Torronto.

The Largest city is Torronto. Teacher - Whole class Cсылка на слайд 11.
A beautiful city, isn`t it? It`s not far from the Niagara Falls.
OK. Ann, go on, please.

Boys and girls, will you repeat after me...iron ore, zinc, copper, natural gas.

Natural resources are iron ore, nickel, zinc, copper, gold, timber, natural gas, fish. Teacher - Whole class
Kate, read the next one, please.

Boys and girls, will you repeat after me...the maple leaf.

(The) Flag is the Maple Leaf. Teacher - Whole class. Cсылка на слайд 13.
Michael, call us the cast, will you.

Pay your attention, that the UK consists of counties, our country consists of republics and territories, the USA consists of states.

Canada consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Cсылка на слайд 12.
Zhenya, read the next statement, please.

Dear girls and boys, here you see several national emblems of Canada.

Dasha, read another statement, will you.

(The) national emblem is a beaver. Ссылка на слайд 14.
Boys and girls, will you repeat after me... government,




constitutional monarchy.

It means that the English queen is the formal head but she is limited by the parliament.

(The) Form of government is Confederation with parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Teacher - Whole class
5. Развитие общеучебного навыка установления взаимосвязи между процессами и явлениями. As you know, every country has got holidays and festivals. Here you see the list of Canadian national holidays. Will you put them in order.

Zhenya, will you go to the blackboard work there, please.

Let me see. Fine.

P1, P2,....

P3, P4.....

P5, P6......

Слайд 4.

(Приложение 3)

6. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Attention, please. Here you can see the calendar of Canadian national or statutory holidays.

Will you repeat after me - statutory. It means "general" or "public" and most people don`t work and schoolchildren don`t go to school.

Anyway, my question is - What similar holidays do we have in Russia?

Thank you.

As for other holidays, they are different.

Good Friday is a religious holiday. The date is not fixed.

On Victoria Day they celebrate Queen`s Victoria birthday.

Canada Day is one of the favourite holidays for them. They organize concerts, parades and different street activities.

Labour Day is the same as our May 1.

Thanksgiving Day they celebrate earlier than Americans do. On Remembrance day Canadians commemorate those soldiers who died and were killed in World Wars.

And on Boxing Day they presents their gifts to each other.

Dear children, have you got any questions?

Pupils' answers.

(New Year`s Day, Christmas Day)

Pupils` questions.

Teacher - Whole class

P1, P2, P3....

Слайд 5
7. Развитие общеучебного навыка установления взаимосвязи между процессами и явлениями. Another point I want you to know about Canada is sport.

So your task is to divide these kinds of sport into two groups.

Ann, go to the blackboard , please.

Are you ready? Let`s check.


Lacross is Canada`s oldest ball game with Aboriginal origin.

What sports were born in Canada?

What does lacross mean?

Ice hockey and lacross.


P1, P2, P3...

Слайд 6

Приложение 4

Слайд 15

8. Развитие навыка выделения главного в информации;

Совершенствование навыков монологической устной речи.

Indeed, you have learnt a lot about Canada today. So first, discuss these questions in your groups, then the speakers will tell us about your ideas. Pupils' answers. Group work

P1, P2, P3, P4

Слайд 7
9. Домашнее задание Finally, your homework is to write an e-mail to your friend. Слайд 8

Список литературы:

  1. Carol Skinner. Friends 2. Students` Book. Pearson Education Limited. 2003.
  2. Carol Skinner. Friends 2. Students` Book. Pearson Education Limited. 2003. (CD)
  3. Шереметьева А.В. Страноведческий справочник. Саратов: Лицей, 2010.
