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Сценарий конкурса St. Valentine's Day (для старших классов общеобразовательной школы)

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 332

Цыбикова Сэсэгма Дашиевна, учитель английского языка

Teacher: Dear friends, Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! In several countries including the United States and Canada there is a tradition to organize Valentine's Day classroom parties in schools. In such parties children exchange chocolates and Valentine's Day cards with their friends. British children sing special Valentine's Day song and receive candies and chocolates as reward. Senior school children usually organize Valentine's Day dance parties and have fun with friends.

You are welcome to our contest. And this is our honourable Jury.

We’ve got two teams, and we shall see which one knows more about the holiday. Here are some activities for you. Good luck! (Командам раздаются листы с заданиями)

I. St. Valentine's Day Vocabulary Quiz Worksheet

Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. Party a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. Chocolate any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.
3. Sweetheart a declaration that something will or will not be done, given.
4. Charm a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty.
5. Forever a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment.
6. Valentine without ever ending.
7. Holiday a piece of paper or thin cardboard, usually folded, printed with a message of holiday greeting, congratulations, or other sentiment, often with an illustration or decorations, for mailing to a person on an appropriate occasion.
8. Friend corresponding or agreeing in general or in some noticeable respect.
9. Candy an affectionate or familiar term of address.
10. Like something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.
11. Card the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
12. Sweet having the taste or flavor characteristic of sugar, honey.
13. Promise a preparation of the seeds of cacao, roasted, husked, and ground, often sweetened and flavored, as with vanilla.
14. Unity a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.
15. Cupid a plant, considered with reference to its blossom or cultivated for its floral beauty.
16. Love a card or message, usually amatory or sentimental but sometimes satirical or comical, or a token or gift sent by one person to another on Valentine Day, sometimes anonymously.
17. Gift the center of the total personality, esp. with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion.
18. Hope a winged being, or a representation of one, esp. as symbolic of love.
19. Riddles the state of being one; oneness.
20. Flowers a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
21. Joy the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.
22. Heart A question or statement requiring thought to answer or understand.

II. In the box below find an answer to the following qustions and write them down:

  1. What is love?
  2. What does love do?
  3. Whom daos a young man fall in love with?
  4. When do they fall in love?
  5. How?
  6. What are they?
  7. And he?
  8. Who loves a lover?
  9. Describe the only girl in the world.
  10. When the only man in the world falls in love, madly, with the only girl, what does he do?
  11. What happens after that?
  12. What is marridge?
  13. Whaere are marriges made?
  14. After the marriage, what?
  15. What happens after that?
  • All the world loves a lover.
  • At first sight.
  • He walks on air.
  • Her eyes are like stars, her teeth are like pearls. Her lips are ruby. Her cheek is damask.
  • Love is blind.
  • Love makes the world go round.
  • Madly.
  • Marriage is lottery.
  • Marriges are made in heaven.
  • The honeymoon.
  • They get married.
  • They settle down and raise a family and live happily ever after.
  • Victims of cupid’s darts.
  • Whispers sweet nothings in her ears.
  • With the only girl in the world.

III. Teacher: Of course you know a lot about famous lovers: Romeo & Juliet, John Lennon & Yoko Ono.

There are lots of wonderful love stories in the world. Now look at the lists of names. Here are men’s names and there are ladies’ ones. Match the famous couples. (Команды получают сердечки, где написано имя одного из влюбленных, они должны назвать пару.)

Adam Eve
Mark Antony Cleopatra
Hamlet Ophelia
Admiral Nelson Lady Hamilton
Othello Desdemona
Rhett Butter Scarlet O’Hara
Eurydice Orpheus
Rose Jack
Meggie Cleary Father Ralph de Bricassart
Napoleon Josephine
Jane Tarzan
Captain Grey Assol
Tristan Isolde
Ruslan Lyudmila

IV. Teacher: Poets and lyricists have always been inspired by love.

The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote “My love is like a red, red rose”, and Shakespeare wrote “The course of true love never did run smooth”. The Beatles sang “She loves you, yeah yeah yeah”. Enjoy the poem. (Один из учеников декламирует стихи.)

By Helen Steiner Rice
Love is like magic,
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery.
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange,
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding, and kind,
For it sees with its heart,
And not with its mind.
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks
Love is the language
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic
Is life's sweet mystery!

Teacher: Thank you. Now you have a chance to join the long list of poets who have written poems about love. Here is a poem that you can complete yourself! All you have to do is insert some words and phrases of your own, following the guide. Try to be as poetic and romantic as you can!

For (name)
When I look into your eyes
I see (colour) (season) skies.
When I see you walking past
My (part of the body) starts (verb) fast.
You are like sunshine in the (opposite of sun-shine),
The (noun) that sooths the pain.
I love the way you (action)
And the (noun) that you wear.
Your (noun) is like (noun)
Your lips taste like (drink).
You make me (verb or adjective), you make me (verb or adjective).
Please say you’ll be mine.

V. Teacher: We are speaking about love, what is love to your mind?

Will you continue the phrase “Love is ... ”

Here are some quotations of famous people.

VI. Teacher: There are a lot of traditions, customs and games on St.Valentine’s Day.

The custom of sending valentine cards started in the middle ages. Written valentines began about 1400. The oldest one we know was made in 1415. For a long time valentines were made by hand. In the early 1800s factories began to make valentines. Each valentine has its own verse and sign. Look at the posters, please. Read aloud special valentine signs.

You Stole My Heart!
My Heart is Filled with Love for You!
I’ve Got My Eye on You!
My Love is Endless!
I’m Crazy About You!
Be mine!

– Try your best and make a Valentine card now. (Используя цветную бумагу, ножницы, клей, фломастеры, ребята делают валентинки)

– Put your cards into the school mailbox and the “mailman” will deliver them or you may present your cards to the dearest and nearest right now.

VII. Teacher: Another valentine tradition is a tradition of singing songs of love.

(Команды исполняют песни.)

Dear friends, thank you for our nice holiday! Let’s call upon the Jury to speak.


  1. Материалы по внеклассной работе из ИЯШ;
  2. Интернет-ресурсы: www.teach-nology.com,www.poemsonly.com/category/lovepoems.php
  3. Полякова С.Е., Рыжих Н.И. Английский язык 365 дней в году. English All Year Around. Москва: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС», ООО «ИД «РИПОЛ классик», 2005. – 272 с.