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Здоровое и нездоровое питание

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 326

Омельченко Лениза Раисовна, учитель английского языка

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний обучающихся по теме «Здоровое и нездоровое питание».

Задачи урока:




Ведущие технологии (развивающая):


Межпредметные связи: В ходе подготовки к уроку учащиеся использовали информацию, полученную ими из разных источников: уроки английского языка, биологии, ОБЖ и экономики.

Ожидаемый результат: Ученики должны поделиться накопленными знаниями по теме «Ты – это то, что ты ешь»; получить новые сведения; проверить уровень своих знаний в ходе выполнения различных заданий; развить навыки диалогического общения.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. We are going to have a very useful lesson for your health, so watch a video and guess the topic of our lesson.

На экране слайд 2 (Видеосюжет о привычках питания человека). После просмотра видеосюжета идет его обсуждение и обучающиеся должны определить тему урока.

Teacher: What food does the main character like eating?

Pupil: He likes eating hamburgers, chips, Cola, sweets and other junk food.

Teacher: What food doesn’t he like eating?

Pupil: He doesn’t like eating fruit, healthy food.

Teacher: How do you think his health has changed at the end of the sequence?

Pupil: He became overweight.

Pupil: He had problems with his health.

Pupil: He had a heart attack.

Teacher: Children, let’s summarize our discussion what are we going to speak about?

Pupil: About healthy food.

Pupil: About unhealthy food.

Pupil: About junk food.

Teacher: Children, you are right! To put your ideas together the theme of our lesson is “You are what you eat”.

На экране слайд 3, где представлены две фотографии людей с разными привычками питания.

Teacher: “You are what you eat” what does it mean? You see two photos what are people in the right picture like eating?

Pupil: We can see a woman and a boy. They are smiling, they are in a good shape, they eat vegetables, and they lead healthy lifestyle.

Pupil: In the left picture the boys are sitting in McDonald’s and enjoying fast food, they are obese, they lead unhealthy lifestyle.

II. Активизация лексики

На экране слайд 4. Обучающиеся должны распределить продукты по двум группам: здоровая пища и нездоровая пища.

Teacher: Today at the lesson we are discussing what things our lifestyle depends on. Look! Mmm, tasty things, Yummy! Let’s repeat after me.

Teacher: Every day we eat some food but we don’t always think whether it is healthy or unhealthy. It is time for us to think about it! You see two columns named “unhealthy food” and “unhealthy food”. Sort out these items of food to the right columns. Work in pairs.

*Дети работают за ноутбуками и выполняют задание. Для детей задание сделано в программе “Smart board”, что позволяет перемещать предметы.

Teacher: Now, children, share your ideas what is healthy food and what is unhealthy food?

Обучающиеся называют здоровую и нездоровую пищу.

На экране слайд 5. Пустая пищевая пирамида.

Teacher: We are going to watch a video. Watch it very carefully and complete this food pyramid with suitable items that come together.

На экране слайд 6. Видеосюжет о разных группах продуктов.

Teacher: Work in pairs and complete the food pyramid.

После просмотра видеосюжета обучающиеся выполняют задание за своими ноутбуками и заполняют пищевую пирамиду.

Teacher: Share your ideas. How do we call section1, section 2?

Pupil: Section1 is called “dairy products”.

Pupil: Section2 is called “vegetables”.

… … …

Teacher: What do we eat the food from section1 for? We are going to watch the video for the second time. But before watching it look at these sentences and make a prediction. Underline the correct answer and share your opinion. (Приложение 1)

Pupil: Vegetables are good for our body, they are rich in vitamins.

Pupil: Fruit is good for our body, it is rich in vitamins too.

… … …

После повторного просмотра видео.

Teacher: Express your opinions reading right variants.

Teacher: I see you are very clever.

III. Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала

Teacher: We eat different types of food. Are there any rules of healthy eating? Do you know any rules? How much should we eat?

Pupil: I think, yes, there are some rules. We should eat at the same time.

Pupil: We should eat four times.

Pupil: We shouldn’t eat much.

… … …

Teacher: To find out the answers we are going to read a short text and find the most important rules of good diet. Scan the text and tick the most important rules of balanced diet. (Приложение 2)

Поисковое чтение. Обучающиеся ищут правила правильного питания.

Teacher: How many rules have you found?

Pupil: There are two rules.

Teacher: What is the first rule?

Pupil: Firstly, eat a good variety of different sort of food.

Teacher: What does it mean a good variety of different sort of food?

Pupil: Choose from the main groups of food and have them regularly in your diet.

Teacher: What is the second rule?

Pupil: The second thing is the quantity of food that you eat.

Teacher: You know the rules of healthy balanced diet. Sometimes it is very difficult to follow any rules. As for me I often break them and I don’t follow these two golden rules. Do you always follow these rules? Let’s discuss. I mean whether we follow healthy or unhealthy diet. And your home task for today was to report about your favourite food. Listen to your classmates and match the expressions to the appropriate photos.

На экране слайд 7 (Даны выдержки из выступлений)

Выступают два ученика и учитель, они рассказывают о своих пристрастиях в еде.

Pupil: I don’t eat unhealthy food and I’m against fast food. I have some porridge for breakfast and a glass of juice. Also I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I like my mum’s cooking very much.

Pupil: When I feel hungry I always eat chips and hamburgers. I can’t resist junk food. I often go to McDonald’s. Junk food is delicious!

Teacher: Nothing can be done. It’s my turn to tell you my story. Listen to me and sort the expressions out. I like sweet things very much. I often eat sweets and cakes. Of course, I’m keen on chocolate and ice cream. I don’t like meat and milk

Teacher: Comment our preferences, please.

Pupil: Julia likes Mum’s cooking, she is against fast food and she eats fruit and vegetables.

Pupil: Dima likes junk food, he can’t resist junk food and when he feels hungry he eats fast food.

Pupil: Our teacher likes sweets very much but she dislikes meat and milk.

На экране слайд 8, где представлены определения, которые необходимо подобрать согласно их пристрастиям в еде.

Teacher: In England there are special nicknames for those who are fond of one type of food. Can you sort out the nicknames to the photos according to our diets? Work in pairs. Later.

Teacher: Can you tell us who we are?

Pupil: Leniza Raisovna (L.R.), you are “a sweet-tooth”. You lead unhealthy lifestyle.

Pupil: Dima is “a junk food junkie”. He leads unhealthy lifestyle too.

Pupil: Julia is “a health food nut”. She leads healthy lifestyle.

На экране слайд 9. Обучающиеся дают советы по правильному питанию.

Teacher: Dima and I lead unhealthy lifestyle. It’s a pity! Can you give us some pieces of advice to follow two important healthy rules of eating? Give us your instruction. Use “should” or “shouldn’t”.

Pupil: Dima shouldn’t eat hamburgers.

He should eat vegetables.

… … …

Pupil: L.R. shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets.

She should eat meat.

… … …

Teacher: Thank you very much. We will try to follow your instruction. Frankly speaking it is hard work for me.

На экране слайд 10. Обучающиеся расставляют диалог в правильном порядке, а затем проверяют правильность выполнения задания, просмотрев видеосюжет.

Teacher: The ideas of healthy lifestyle are becoming popular in our school. You will listen to our schoolmates about their healthy lifestyle. But first, let’s predict the order of their conversation.

На экране слайд 11. Видеозапись диалога двух подростков.

Teacher: If you are ready we can watch this conversation. Let’s dramatize this dialogue in pairs.

Обучающиеся разыгрывают диалог.

Teacher: What is the main idea of this dialogue? There is a very important idea. Can you find it?

Если обучающиеся не найдут, показать и прочитать две последние строчки.

Teacher: What does it mean “sea food diet”?

Pupil: It means that people eat much fish, crabs, muscles.

Teacher: Right. But when we speak about “see and eat”, “see” is a verb, we should see and eat. We should see the food and then eat. That is why we are what we eat. Of course, it is very difficult to give up some food like chocolate, hamburgers, fizzy beverages, ice cream because they are very tasty. Today you have found out two most important rules of balanced diet.

Pupil: First, eat a good variety of food; choose it from the main groups of food.

Pupil: Second, remember about the quantity of food.

Teacher: We finish our exploration of healthy lifestyle and unhealthy lifestyle. Let’s summarize our ideas. If you eat junk food you will be like the boys in McDonald’s, if you eat fruit and vegetables you will be healthy. So, only you should choose your lifestyle and I hope you will make right choice.

Pupil: We shouldn’t eat too much; don’t eat too much salt, sugar and fat.

Pupil: We shouldn’t eat much junk food.

Pupil: If we have unhealthy food, we will have health problems and we can’t be happy.

Pupil: We can’t find friends and we can’t play if we look fat.

IV. Закрепление

Teacher: You are right, children, and remember we live not for eating, we eat for living. Your classmates carried out a survey of the pupils from the 7 grades. These are the results of their survey.

На экране слайд 12 (13-15). Обучающиеся рассказывают о своих исследованиях среди семиклассников.

Teacher: Now let’s have fun. Listen and complete the song with the words. But first, read the song. Which of these opinions are expressed in the song: a), b) or c)? Do you agree with it? (Приложение 3)

A. Junk food is delicious and cheap, so young people love it.

B. Boys eat more junk food than girls.

C. Eating a lot of junk food is bad for your body and your mind.

Обучающиеся прослушивают песню, заполняют пропущенные слова и выбирают главную идею песни.

Teacher: Sing the song.

V. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок

We had a very useful lesson for our health. Today everybody has worked well, especially: ... I’ll put you excellent marks (good marks).

VI. Домашнее задание

На экране слайд. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: Your homework is on the slide. Write down it. Our lesson is over. Thank you for taking part in the conversation.