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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме Зоопарк (3-й класс)

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 480

Гертнер Ирина Витальевна, учитель английского языка

Цель: скрытый контроль усвоения речевого материала по изученному материалу “Дикие и домашние животные”.


1) учебный аспект:

2) развивающий аспект:

3) воспитательный аспект:

Оформление доски: карта зоопарка с заданиями, творческие работы детей по теме (словари, сочинения о питомцах, чудо-звери).

Оборудование: выставка книг на английском языке о животных, магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер.

Этапы урока



Фонетическая зарядка

Объявление темы

  1. Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you very much.

  2. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
  3. First of all I suggest you training your tongues
  4. (Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat).
  5. cat – what is it?(an animal).

How do you think what our theme is? Well, today we’ll speak about animals. Make up the word “Animals”.

What types of animals do you know? (wild-domestic) What do you know about domestic animals? Where do they live? Who feeds them? Who looks after them? What do domestic animals do for people?

Приложение (Презентация)


Р1 на доске из разрезных букв составляет слово Animals и появляется слайд2

На доске вывешиваются карточки “wild”, “domestic” и слайд 3

Активизация лексики “Домашние животные”

а) просмотр видео-ролика

б) повторение лексики дом. животные

в) монологические высказывания “Мой питомец”


а) I suggest you watching an episode and remember the information about some domestic animals (просмотр и ответы на видеовопросы)

b) What other domestic animals do you know? Find them here (in pairs).

c) Have you got a pet? Do you like to play with your pet? etc.

Tell us about it. (рассказ о питомце, проверка услышанного)

d) “Old McDonald” (sing and act).

Enterprise-1 “Pets” (видео)

волшебный квадрат/слайд 4


Магнитофонная запись, слайд 5, у детей маски

Цели урока

Now, let’s remember wild animals.

-Where do they live?

-Did you go to the Zoo? Where was it?

-What animals did you see there?

- Did you like the Zoo?

-Is there a Zoo in our town?

-Would you like to have a Zoo in Severodvinsk?

Today we’ll dream about our Zoo. The aims of our lesson are to create the Zoo and settle it.

Слайд 6

Путешествие – строительство зоопарка (развитие всех видов речевой деятельности)

Зарядка для глаз

1.) Definition

First of all we must know what a zoo is.

Read in pairs and turn the pictures into the words.

2). Poems

What poems about wild animals, insects do you know? (“Kangaroo”, “Butterfly” etc.). Recite them, please.

Now listen a song about the Zoo. Choose the animals you’ll catch (“Tomorrow on Sunday”).

What animals are there in the song? Name the odd words.



It is not long or big. But it is very strong. It is stripy. It can jump and run. It likes meat. (tiger)

It is clever and funny. It can jump, run, play and make faces. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas. (monkey)

It likes cabbages and carrots. It is big and strong. It is grey. It likes to help its friends. It lives in Africa. (elephant)

I4). t is yellow, brown and black. It has a little head, long legs, a long tail and a very, very long neck. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves, grass. (giraffe)

I5). t is a nice bird. It is green, blue and yellow. It can speak. It is clever. (parrot)

6). It is big. It is brown. It lives in the forest. It likes honey. (bear)

7). It is long and green. It has sharp teeth and long tail. Its ears are small. It can swim. It eats meat. (crocodile)

I8).t is a wild animal. It lives in the forest. It is red. (fox)

Приложение 2

Карта зоопарка с заданиями (карточки с заданиями закрывают животных и по ходу урока, выполняя задания дети “заселяют зоопарк”)

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Магнитофонная запись, слайд 9, у детей карточки с названиями животных


Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

Help me

Look here. A crocodile sent us a letter. But some words are missing. Help me please. (индивидуально)

tail, crocodile, small, are, teeth, eat, can, green

  • Look at this nice _____.
  • What a long _______he has got!
  • His ears are very________ .
  • His eyes ______small too.
  • The colour of his body is ______.
  • His________ are very sharp.
  • He likes to ______meat.
  • He ______swim.

В это время Р3 читает о забавном животном и рисует его.

Our next station is “Funny animals”. What are they? Let’s look at the picture (проверка Р3)


Read interesting information about animals. Do the tasks.

(Дети сначала выполняют задания на карточках по группам, затем проводится коллективное обсуждение результатов).

№1 Kangaroos (Choose the right words).

  • Kangaroos live in Australia/Russia.
  • They are big animals/birds.
  • They grow to about two/ten meters.
  • Kangaroos usually red/orange or brown.
  • Kangaroos have one/many baby.
  • These animals can jump twelve meters long and three meters wide.
  • Kangaroos have long tails/ears.
  • Their heavy tails help them keep their balance when they hop/eat.

№2 The Elephant (Read and answer the questions).

  • An elephant is the biggest four-legged animal.
  • It is grey and sometimes white.
  • It hasn’t got hair.
  • An elephant comes from Africa and Asia.
  • An elephant has got a very long nose — a trunk and two long white teeth — tusks.
  • An elephant eats a lot of food (leaves, grass, and fruit) and drinks a lot of water.
  • Elephants can swim.
  • When an elephant sleeps, it usually stands.

Answer the questions:

  • What is the biggest animal?
  • What colour is it?
  • Where does it live?
  • How does it look like?
  • What does it eat?
  • What can it do?

№3 Tigers (Put in the correct order).

  • They live in Asia.
  • Baby-tigers stay with their mothers for two years.
  • Tigers eat meat and fish.
  • Tigers are orange, black and white.
  • They hunt different animals.
  • They usually hunt in the long grass.
  • Tigers can swim.
  • They have got big bodies, long tails and big teeth.

Look! What a beautiful Zoo we have! There are many animals in it. And animals are free to run around, they feel safe and sound.

Our Zoo is ready to be opened. What animals are there in our Zoo? Do you like it? etc.

You were splendid. Your marks are…

Your homework is to create a poster and invite children over our Zoo.

Рис. крокодила, карточки текста с пропусками


Листы, фломастеры



Слайды 13-15