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Weirdand Wonderful. Развитие критического мышления. Обучение в сотрудничестве Дебаты

Добавлено: 2018.06.12
Просмотров: 27

Ширяева Татьяна Сергеевна, учитель английского языка

Презентация к уроку

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Aim: Developing language thinking, speaking skills and triggering of students’ mental abilities and creative skills (teaching based on authentic textbooks) and using IT.


Речевой материал: лексический и грамматический материал, усвоенный на предыдущих уроках на рецептивном и продуктивном уровнях.

Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер, компьютерный проектор, компьютерные презентации PowerPoint, интерактивная доска, материалы из аутентичных учебников, визуальный документ, проецированный на экран.

Основные задачи:

Техническое обеспечение урока:

  1. Компьютер с проектором и экраном;
  2. Презентация проекта Power Point;
  3. Визуальный документ, проецированный на экран;
  4. Интерактивная доска;
  5. Дисплей.

Форма урока: Урок-дебаты, с использованием ИКТ.

Основные этапы урока:

  1. Погружение в тематику урока, выбор темы для обсуждения.
  2. Презентация мини-проектов.
  3. Обсуждение различных точек зрения по теме урока. Форма взаимодействия – Фронтальная:
    • Учитель – Ученик;
    • Работа в парах;
    • Групповая работа.
  4. Подведение итогов «Weird and Wonderful»
    Questionnaire – cоставление вопросника по теме «Weird and Wonderful».

Ход урока


(Music is on) The lead in is designed to introduce the topic “Weird and Wonderful: and encourage students to speak on the topic.

T: Guess, what are we going to speak about today? Weird and wonderful is an expression which is used to describe a group of things which are interesting but strange. What weird and wonderful things can you mention? (after shots have been shown)

Sts’ talk: Ghosts, the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids of Giza, UFO, Space exploration, Stonehenge and many others.


T: Several months ago my students chose themes for their projects to work on. They are still in the process of working. Now some of them are going to present tiny parts of their projects for you to decide whether what you are going to see is “science fact” or a bizarre, unsolved, unexplained mystery. (We are going to present them in form of a dialogue)

Students show their projects.

T: So, students presented mystifying, still unexplained things their projects are devoted to…

A lot of conferences have been held, a lot of thesis have been written, whether it is a scientifically proved fact or if it is our imagination, our dream that has nothing to do with reality.


Now, let’s pass over to our Debates. Topic: “Weird things can be easily explained”.

Team 1 Team 2 (opponents)
Speaker 1 Speaker 1
Speaker 2 (Facts, Conclusion) Speaker 2 (Facts, Conclusion)
Speaker 3 (Questions) Speaker 3 (Questions)
Speaker 4 (Questions) Speaker 4 (Questions)
 The chairman

Подведение итогов.