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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Family: hobbies and interests. 5-й класс

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 406

Куприна Инна Кондратьевна, учитель английского языка


Задачи: активизация пройденного лексико-грамматического материала, развитие умений рефлексии.

Оборудование и оснащение: интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентации, видеоролик “Old MacDonald had a farm”, аудиозаписи, раздаточный материал, учебник 5 класс УМК Биболетова М.З., компьютерная программа по английскому языку “Витаминный курс (6 класс)”.

План урока.

1. Начало урока. 3 мин.

1.1. Организационный момент.

1.2. Введение в ситуацию общения.

2. Основная часть. 38 мин.

2.1. Работа в парах (закрепление лексического материала по теме “Family”). 5 мин.

2.2. Проверка домашнего задания (развитие умений диалогической речи по теме “Family”). 7 мин.

2.3. Работа с песней “The more we are together” (развитие умений аудирования). 4 мин.

2.4. Работа с текстом “A great day” (развитие умений чтения с извлечением конкретной информации). 6 мин.

2.5. Презентация проектов “My pet” (развитие умений монологической речи и умений аудирования). 8 мин.

2.6. Работа с песней - the music video “Old MacDonald had a farm” (развитие умений аудирования). 4 мин.

2.7. Работа с интерактивной доской (закрепление лексического материала по теме “Sporty hobbies”). 4 мин.

3. Заключительная часть. 4 мин.

3.1. Рефлексия.

3.2. Подведение итогов работы.

3.3. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Ход урока

1.1. Good morning, dear students. Sit down, please. Who is absent today? I am glad to see you again. How are you? How is your mother? How is your father? (The students answer the questions.)

1.2. What are we going to discuss today? Please look at the screen (slide #1 - приложение 1). Can you guess the topic of our lesson? So, we are going to speak about... the family, family activities and hobbies.

Let’s read the rhyme about the family (slide #2 - приложение 2).

(Two students read the rhyme.)

2.1. When we speak about our parents and relatives, we speak about their characteristics.

Let’s revise the words denoting characteristics. Take the cards and arrange the words in

pairs of opposites (slide #3 - приложение 3).

I give you two minutes. Let’s read the exercise.

(The students work in pairs and then read the exercise.)

2.2. Work in pairs and revise the dialogues about your families.

Now we are going to listen to your dialogues. Listen to your classmates attentively and answer the questions (Four students act out their dialogues).


- What do their parents do?

- What are their characteristics?

(The students listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.)

2.3. Parents and children enjoy doing things together. Listen to the song “The more we are together” and answer the question “What do children do together?”

Let’s sing the song “The more we are together” (slide #4 - приложение 4).

(The students answer the question and sing the song.)

I like your singing. Thank you very much.

2.4. Some people like singing and dancing together, others enjoy going to the seaside together.

Now you should work in pairs and read the text “A great day”. Your task is to choose the answers to the questions. I give you four minutes (приложение 5).

(After reading the text the students check the answers).

2.5. Many people are fond of keeping pets. Maria and Paulina prepared projects about their pets.

Maria is going to tell you about her hamster and she has some questions for you.

Listen to the project and be ready to answer the questions.

Masha, read your questions (презентация - приложение 6).


- What does Afanasiy do in the afternoon?

- What does it like to eat?

(The students listen to the project and answer the questions.)

Paulina is going to tell you about her dog Yoric. Listen to the project and be ready to answer her questions (презентация - приложение 7).


- What does Yoric eat?

- What does it like to do?

(The students listen to the project and answer the questions.)

2.6. There are people who have animals on the farm. Watch the music video “Old MacDonald had a farm” and answer the question “What animals did he have on the farm?”

(The students watch the music video and answer the question.)

2.7. Some people enjoy keeping animals and birds and others are fond of playing sport.

Let’s revise some sports. Go to the whiteboard and match the pictures with the correct

Word (компьютерная программа “Витаминный курс” - 6 класс “Sport crazy”).

(The students match the pictures with the correct words on the interactive whiteboard.)

And what sports do you play?

(The students answer the question.)

3.1. People take part in different activities. Look at the slide and let’s revise them (slide #5 - приложение 8).

- What are your favourite activities?

- Is it interesting for you to speak about hobbies and activities?

(The students answer the questions.)

3.2. I would like to thank you for your work at the lesson and your projects. The projects are really interesting and informative. Your marks are ....

3.3. Your homework is ex. 29, p. 27 (W.B). Open your record books and write down your homework. The lesson is over. Have a good day, good bye!