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Урок по теме Моя семья

Добавлено: 2018.06.13
Просмотров: 18

Липатникова Татьяна Николаевна, учитель английского языка

Цели и задачи:

- образовательные: расширение общего кругозора страноведческого характера; предоставление дополнительной информации о королевском семействе Великобритании; обобщение и повторение пройденного материала; проверка качества знаний учащихся по теме;

- развивающие: развитие внимания, мышления, памяти, воображения; развитие умения анализировать и делать выводы; развитие активности и самостоятельности в условиях коллективной деятельности;

- практические: отработка навыков монологической речи, навыков аудирования, чтения, орфографических навыков;

- воспитательные: привитие этических качеств, чувства взаимопомощи и любви к родителям.

Оборудование: карта Великобритании; рисунок с изображением центра Лондона; фотография Букингемского дворца, полицейского, королевского семейства Англии; проекты учащихся о членах семьи и домашних питомцах.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Stand up, please!
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear children,
I am glad to see you!
How are you?

Good morning our guests! We are glad to see our guests! I think our lesson will be unusual and very interesting today. Today we are going to talk about our families, about the English and Russian families. I would like to listen to your projects. We will play a lot. O`key? Welcome to our game!

II. Цели и задачи урока.

The aims of our lesson are!

But at first let’s introduce ourselves. Let’s make new friends.

(Ребята представляются)

Alina: Let me introduce myself…..

T: Great! Well, done!
T: Установка учителя.

III. Before starting our game we should know some facts, some information.

  1. about an English family. (слайд с текстом).
  2. The English are stay-at-home people. There is no place like home, they say.

    When they do not work, they like to spend their days off at home with their families. People all over the world know the saying “The English man’s home is his castle.” And it is true. A British family consists of a mother, father and two children. They like to live in small houses for one family with a small garden full of flowers.

  3. T: (после текста) What is the main idea of this text?
  4. What proverb is there about an English family in the text?

    (ответ: The English man’s home is his castle.)

    Will you translate it?

  5. What does it mean? It means English people like to be at home
  6. on holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays.

    They rush homes after work.

  7. What other poems and proverbs about family do you know?
  1. There is no place like home.
  2. East or west home is best.
  3. Home, my sweet home.
  4. The English man’s home is his castle.
  5. Men make houses, women make homes.

Основная часть: Игра A game.

I. Установка учителя : O’key. Now we are ready for the game. We’ve done some exercises.

And now the rules of the game.

Listen to me attentively and try to understand me.

T: We have an invitation to Buckingham Palace from the Queen Elizabeth II of the UK. But unfortunately there is a problem – The Straits of Dover

(Па – де – Кале)

We should cross it doing some tasks of the game.

1 игра: The first task is Guess the riddles, please and write down the words. Listen to me carefully!

№ 1

(учитель читает).

1. My father’s sister is my…….

Вывод: CONLUSION. I see you can write the words correctly. Well done! Now we are in London. As far as you know London is the capital of Great Britain, the UK. It is a city of the policemen. So we can see the crossing of the roads.

How can we get to the Queen’s Palace? (Translate it).

T: If we want to go along this or that street we must give some information about

our families.

Now the policeman wants to listen to your projects.

1. – Popov Pavel

2. – Furashkin Nikita

3. – Vavilova Alina

T: Oh, beautiful. I think it was very interesting to get to know some facts about your families.

Now we are standing before the Buckingham Palace. The queen and her family live here. But there are many guards everywhere. Every day at 11 o’clock the guards change. One of the guards is ready to give us a secret to open the doors of the palace.

Let’s listen to his story. Be attentive. Remember the story. (слушают рассказ стражника). My name is Bill. And now say “yes” or “no”. (выполняют задание Take card № 2).

Заключительный этап.

I. Слайд: На протяжении всего урока чаще всех звучало слово “The family”

Семья – это самое дорогое, что есть у человека.

There is no place like our home. There is no thing like our family.

T: Our lessons is finishing. I think you like it, because you have a chance to speak English and learn more about our students’ families. I think you’ve liked this lesson.

II. Выставление оценок. Комментарии. Итоги.

T: Let’s wish each other good luck.

S: Good luck!
Stand up!
The lesson is over!
Good – bye!
Thank you for our work today.

III. Homework. Слайд.

Your home work will be unusual too.
There is a proverb: “Like father like son” (translate it)
The task is Explain it to us next time.

P.S. Вопросы к презентации:

1. What presentation do you like best of all?
2. Why?
3. Who is brilliant at the English lesson?
4. What is the symbol of our house?

(Yes, it’s a cat. It makes our home comfortable and warm).