1.Совершенствование навыков устной речи.Монологическая и диалогическая формы речи
2.Знакомство с проблемами подростков в современном обществе.
3.Развитие способности к сравнению,логичности высказывания.
4.Воспитание понимания своего права на собственную позицию и уважительного отношения к мнениям других людей.
Оснащение: картинки и фотографии, компьютер,проектор,экран(для показа презентаций).
Обьявление темы и ввод в ситуацию урока.
Teacher: Today we will continue to speak about young problems. As far as you know that teens always have serious problems and sometimes they don`t know how to cope with them. I can say that you have a lot of problems too. I think you`ll share your difficult situations today and everybody will try to understand each other.
Teacher: Let`s remember the expressions about this theme. (ученики по одному называют выражения, дополняя их).Examples: to… (complain) for, to …(depend) on, to be…(free), to….(express) views, to…(meet) people, to have (privacy, rights) to…(take) an active part, to…(get) information, to…(continue) education, to…(find) a job, to…(live) alone, to be…(homeless), young…(pregnancy).
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. You see the questions about our topic. Let`s read and then discuss their.
I.Ученики прочитывают вопросы.
1. What are the most important problems of teens nowadays?
2. Who can help the young people in difficult situations?
3. Is it hard to live in our society?
4. Our government cares about the future generation, doesn`t it?
5. Do you prefer to cope with your problems yourself or to complain to somebody?
6. Do agree that adults have the same problems as children?
7. Is it easy to be young?
Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения по каждому вопросу.
1 Pupil: I think that problems are around us. I`d like to say that school is one of the biggest problem, because of money. If you have enough money, your classmates will respect you and you can buy what you want.
2 Pupil: To my mind the first problem is to drink alcohol: beer, vine and etc…, doctors said that alcohol can destroy our brain, that`s why pupils have a bad memory, get bad marks, they are not interested in school life, lose real friends.
3 Pupil: Drugs! It`s one of the important problem. It is becoming more and more dangerous. Millions young people today are using drugs, and most of them died and will die. Medicine can not help them. That's why never do it, if you do it goes bad, very bad. Because drugs will kill our young generation and our future will be very bad.
4. Pupil: As for me free time is a big problem too. Some people don`t know how and where they can spend their spare time. Sometimes I work with computer but it`s not useful for eyes, reading books –it`s boring, visiting sport clubs-it`s a good idea but I don`t like sport, listening music –every day it`s impossible.
5 Pupil: I like to study. I want to get good education and job but today it`s one of the biggest problem. You know children have a lot of dreams about their future. It's very easy they think, but when they become older and see real world they understand that in all professions need to know perfectly about what you do, you must be well-educated and well-informed. That's why it's very important to get a good education at school. And if you work hard everything will be OK. But money has a big role in our future life. As you know our education is not free.
6 Pupil: I can say that parents should help their children in difficult situations. They are responsible for them and know the life better, of course grown-ups are wiser, that`s why they must forgive their children.
7 Pupil: Only close friends! Always we cheer each other up in troubles, turn for help or advice and can rely on each other.
8 Pupil: It seems to me the life was hard in different times and a man always tried to cope with troubles. The 21st century it is a high technology time, that`s why every person has to be very educated, hard work.
9 Pupil: On the one hand, our country is one of the richest in the world but on the other hand, why there are so many homeless, our schools haven`t modern equipments.
10 Pupil: As for me I have a lot of complaints and I try to cope myself because my parents are always busy, I haven`t close friends.
10 Pupil: I`m sure that adults have the big troubles too but they have more opportunities and experience how to solve their, sometimes I advice my mum what she should do.
На вопрос “Is it easy to be young?” ученики представляют свои презентации.
Начало представления:
1 Pupil. I`d like to tell and show my project .
T. Let`s work in groups of four.
1. Have troubles with classmates
2. Quarrel with parents
3.Unhealthy habits
Example: (пример диалога по второй речевой ситуации)
-What`s the matter with you? Why are you so angry?
-Because of my parents. I quarreled with them yesterday?
-You as usually didn`t do your homework, did you?
-Oh, no, the problem is bigger. As far as you know my best friend had a party two days ago, that`s why we drank and smoked a lot, and in addition I came back home later then usually?
-I think, that you imagined yourselves adults, didn`t you?
-May be, but at that moment we didn`t think about it.
-Have you smoked, drunk and come back home late early?
-No, my parents always forbid me to do it.
-Did your parents punish you?
-Yes, they made me read books twice a day.
-I`m shocked, you hate reading.
-What are you going to do?
-It`s a good question, of course, I`ll try to make up with them, because I love my mum and dad.
-I agree with you, because all parents would want to honour their children and give always good advice.
-Don`t forget, that children can have own views, can express their individuality,
-To my mind, teens have to do it only in a frame of law and our parents try to follow these rules.
T. You may ask each other about problems, troubles and complaints.
Examples: 1.Do you worry about your friends? 2. What are you going to do after finishing school?
3. Have you ever left home without parents permition? 4. Where would you like to live with you mum and dad or have own flat? 5. My parents forbid me to go to the disco, what about you? 6. How do you guess, AIDS is a danger illness? 7. What do you complain for? 8. What would you choose to earn money yourself or to get from your parents? 9. How do you think, it is complicated to be friendly and polite nowadays? 10. What youth organizations in our country do you know? 11. With whom do you share secrets more? 12. What is your attitude towards the young pregnancy?
problems | complaints | benefits to be young |
Smoking, drinking | Must pay for education | A lot of free time |
AIDS, drugs | Can not get license till18 years | Can not earn money |
Teens` crimes, violence, poverty | Can not buy alcohol | Can not go to school |
Young pregnancy | Parents forbid to do a lot of things | Dream a lot |