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Урок английского языка Мой район

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 349

Дудникова Наталья Алексеевна, учитель английского языка Колесова Ярославна Николаевна, учитель английского языка

Sometimes there is no authentic material for students to read about their neighbourhood. Some years ago to develop the students' interest and motivation to learn the history of the place they live we published an article about FPQ, one of the districts of Kemerovo. Nowadays we use this material at the lessons while talking about their neighbourhood. (O.V.Afanasjeva, J.Dooly, Spotlight student's book 9. Module 2)

My neighbourhood

Main aim: by the end of the lesson students will have practised speaking advertising their neighbourhood.

Subsidiary aim: to practise reading for gist and looking for specific information in a text.

Personal aim: to reduce teacher's language in whole class activities and provide more student's interaction.

Materials (including textbook):

Text, pictures of FPQ district, headlines, table, textbook

(Afanasjeva, O.V.Spotlight student's book 9. [Text]: O.V.Afanasjeva, J.Dooly, I.V. Mikheeva /M.: Express Publishing: Prosveshchenie, 2011- 248 p. Module 2 p. 32).

1. PREDICTING (to give students the opportunity using headlines and pictures to get the idea what topic will be at the lesson.) Приложение № 1

Ask students to look at the pictures, headlines and say what the lesson is going to be about

1.1. Vocabulary

Word/phrase Meaning
exist существовать, находиться
be surrounded быть окруженным
swampy soil болотистая почва
widely spread широко распространенный
shopping mall торгово- развлекательный комплекс
immense огромный, необъятный
gain the popularity завоевать популярность
masterly cuisine совершенная кухня

1.2. Lead in (to introduce the topic and to get students interested in the topic of the lesson)

Ask the students to say what they know about their neighbourhood

2. READING (to develop reading skills and to provide an example of a text, advertising the coolest spots of their district).

2.1. First reading (to read for gist)

Give out texts. (Приложение № 2) Ask students to read the text, divide it into paragraphs.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is your neighbourhood called FPQ?

2. Why was it a big problem for citizens of your district to reach their working places?

3. Where do the citizens of FPQ spend free time in their neighbourhood?

2.2. Second reading (to read for specific information)

Ask students to read the text and to underline the coolest spots of their district.

Choose the correct answer. Complete sentences:


a) helped the Kemerovites to grow fruit.

b) helped the Kemerovites to develop gardening.

c) was a Town Garden.

FPQ is

a) the Faculty of Perfection Qualification.

b) the name of the bus station.

c) the Shopping Mall.

You can have a business lunch in

a) the Vostok.

b) Cheshky

c) Baloven.

The first educational centre in FPQ was

a) School № 97.

b) School № 95.

c) The Kemerovo Regional Institute of improving qualification of teachers.

Monitor students to check that they are completing the task.

3. Follow up activity

3.1. Brainstorming (to share ideas for the content of their speaking about neighbourhood advertising)

3.2. Mind map (to develop speaking skills in small groups)

Ask students to make a mind map as in the example (Приложение № 3)

3.3. Advertise your neighbourhood (use your mind map)

4. Set homework (to provide an opportunity for students to practise writing and to produce a final advertisement of their neighbourhood).

If students want to find some extra information about neighbourhood they can do a web-search in the Internet.