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Времена года. Погода (Seasons. Weather). 3-й класс

Добавлено: 2014.08.15
Просмотров: 211

Печенина Людмила Арнольдовна, учитель английского языка

Цели урока.

Оборудование: иллюстрации различных времён года. картинки, изображающие занятия детей в разные времена года, таблица с буквами, среди которых кроются названия месяцев, времён года, учебник и рабочая тетрадь (Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык. 3-й класс).


1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Good morning, dear children. Nice to meet you. How are you today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Well, let`s start our lesson. Let`s train our tongues.

One big, two big elephants,
Three big, four big elephants.
One, two, three, four, five big elephants.
Five big elephants.

And a little mouse.

Five big, four big elephants.
Three big, two big elephants.
Five, four, three, two, one big elephant.
Good bye, elephants!

Lions and cats,lions and cats.
Lions and cats and a cangaroo.
All the animals in the Zoo.

Parrots and bats, parrots and bats.
Parrots and bats and a kangaroo.
All the animals in the Zoo.

Elephants, elephants.
Elephants and a cangaroo.
All the animals in the Zoo.

One snake, two snakes, three snakes, four.
Five snakes, six snakes, seven snakes, more.
Eight snakes, nine snakes, and then ten.
Now say it all again.

2. Работа по теме

Teacher. The theme of our lesson is “Seasons. Weather.” You know something about seasons, months, weather. Let`s speak about these subjects. What seasons do you know?

Pupil. I know winter, spring, summer and autumn.

T. What season is there in the picture? (Показывает иллюстрации).

P. There is winter (spring, summer, autumn) in the picture.

T. What colour is winter (spring, summer, autumn)?

P. It is white (green, bright, yellow).

T. What months do you know?

P. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

T. What are the winter months?

P. They are December, January, February.

T. What are the spring months?

P. They are March, April, May.

T. What are the summer months?

P. They are June, July, August.

T. What are the autumn months?

P. They are September, October, November.

T. А вот в Австралии несколько иначе. Почему так происходит?

– Open your Activity Books, page 62, exercise No 1 (Работа по Рабочей тетради).

T. What is your favourite season?

P. My favourite season is winter. I like winter very much. (Student`s Book, page 93).

T. Whose favourite season is summer?

P. My favourite season is summer. I like summer very much. The weather is warm, and Sometimes it is hot.The summer day are long and sunn. I can swim and lie in the sun. There are many flowers in the summer. In the and of summer we have many fruits. We Have much free time because we don`t go to school and we don`t get up early.

T. Do you help your parents in the garden?

P. Yes, I do.

T. What about spring? Who likes spring?

P. My favourite seasons are winter and summer. But I like spring, too, because all the nature returns to life. The days become longer, the sun shines brighter. We can see some flowers. I help my parents to work in the kitchen garden.

T. And who likes autumn?

P. I also like summer and winter, but I like autumn, too. I like it because in September I go to school again and I can meet my friends. In autumn there are many mushrooms and berries in forests and gardens. There are many fruits. I like apples and plums.

T. Do you help to gather fruits, berries and mushrooms.

P. Yes, I do.

T. And what is your favourite month?

P. My favourite month is November, because I was born in November.

T. And can you tell us any poem about November?

– Yes, I can.

It rains and snows in November.
Last year was snowy, I remember.
We`ve got a real snowfall
And all became white after all.

(И ребята называют свой любимый месяц и читают стихотворение об этом месяце.

T. I`m glad to know about your birthday and listen to your poems.

Табличка с набором английских букв, среди которых нужно найти названия времён года и названия месяцев.

T. Well, now let`s speak about weather.
– What is the weather like in Russia? (AB, page 65, Lesson 3)

– What is the weather like in Great Britain? (Student`s Book, page 85. AB, page 63, exercise 1.

T. But now let`s speak about the weather today. What is the weather like today?

3. Беседа о погоде сегодня


Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We`ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

T. Let`s learn it by heart.

4. Домашнее задание:

1. Скороговорка.
2. Схема: слова, относящиеся к разным временам года.
3. Систематизировать слова.